Day 89: Costume making and shopping at the Highlands.

Last week was Ava’s official “fall break” so we didn’t have to do any homeschooling. You would think that it make this little kindergartener happy. Far from it. She insisted on doing school work during her fall break like a good little nerd. I think she is doing great so far with her learning. We are even completing some first grade level workbooks. Man, this kid loves to answer story problems. Her biggest issues so far are writing some numbers and letter backwards and confusing the little ‘b’ with the little ‘d’.

Day 89: Costume making and shopping at the Highlands.


Day 88: Hotel hopping in Louisville.

Tomorrow we would have been in Louisville for a week and also that many nights away from the Mish. Since Yoda had to stay back in there, I have been going there every 2 or 3 days to check on her. The nights here are getting pretty chilly and since I don’t have electrical hookups at the storage place, she is having to snuggle up in the bedding to keep warm at night. That is pretty much the only thing I worry about since we have been here as Carrie has been a gracious host. The only bigger problem I foresee is to talk the girls into leaving here and go back to sleeping on the road again.

Day 88: Hotel hopping in Louisville.


Day 57: Downtown Chicago via the South Shore Line.

When we were at the beach yesterday, we met a young mother and her son. She told us about the South Shore Line that picks up at the Beverly Shores station right outside of our campground. It is free for the kids to ride and only costs $8.25 each for us to take the train all the way to downtown Chicago. The station is a 10-minute walk from our campsite but we decided to drive here since we wanted to get an early start and didn’t know if it would be dark or not when we got back.

Day 57: Downtown Chicago via the South Shore Line.
