Ohio: July 2014.

As we made our way out of Michigan, we continued our way east into the state of Ohio. Last time we came through here, we were headed south to see the Airstream factory in Jackson Center. This time, we are sticking along the coast of Lake Erie. We’re now back Read more…

Idaho: June 2014.

On our way out of Oregon, we tried long and hard to figure out how we can make it out to Hell’s Canyon National Recreation Area in Idaho without adding a ton of miles to our travels. After a lot of research, we decided that it was not meant to be this time around. We found questionable cell reception at the campgrounds and the trip would likely have added several days to our visit. After all, we are not on vacation, this is our real day-to-day life and sacrifices are the norm.



Goose Lake, Oregon.

As we continued to head north, we were determined to make it to Oregon. Driving from southern California to Oregon is a long haul. It is right up there with driving across west Texas. It takes just as much time to get to the Oregon border as it would be from here to Canada.

