A couple of years ago, I decided to try uploading a video a day during our travels. At the time, there were a lot of reasons why it was difficult to sustain. I did not have enough data bandwidth to upload the videos without blowing my monthly limit. The style of video I was trying to produce required a lot of video editing which took up time. I also tried to do it every day which added a lot of overhead to our already busy lives. As we are planning our trip to Alaska this summer, I decided to start the vlog back up. This time, we are shooting with a GoPro, editing and uploading them on my iPhone which should be much easier to maintain. If you are not yet subscribed to our YouTube channel, please check it out and follow along with our upcoming adventure. We will continue to share on all of our usual social channels but I would love to start interacting with readers and viewers on a more regular basis directly in those channels. Here is a little intro video we did today to kick off the vlog. Please subscribe if you find this interesting. Thanks!

Categories: video


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