We are glad to be back at Fort De Soto today with the Mish detached and ready to relax for the next few days. With the TV appearance out of the way, we are now free to make as big of a mess as we’d like in the Airstream.

Day 161: Mail, Maintenance and Marshmallows.

There are a lot fewer bugs here than there were at the keys so we are getting to spend a fair amount of time outside without worrying about getting bit.

Day 161: Mail, Maintenance and Marshmallows.

We got a call from the front office that we got our mail forwarding got here. There was also a couple of packages addressed to Ava. It just might be birthday presents for our big girl who will be 6 in a couple of days.

Day 161: Mail, Maintenance and Marshmallows.

With no plans to leave the campground, Marlene took the kids to the playground for a little horsing around.


I turned to the battery charger problem that has crept back into our lives. Remember when we were in Long Key I paid $90 for some dude to come tighten a screw? Well, the screw turned out not to be the cause of the bad connection. It happened again last night while we were plugged into shore power. The battery was not getting any power to recharge.

Day 161: Mail, Maintenance and Marshmallows.

After taking the fuse panel off of the converter/charger, I saw the real problem was on the back of the panel. This copper wire was charred from some kind of short. I guess we are lucky that it wasn’t bad enough to start an electrical fire. Since there was enough slack in the wire, I snipped off the few inches that had gone bad and reconnected it back on to the 12-volt fuse panel.


I had to connect them both to the front instead of having the one in the back. The screw was a bit stripped presumably from the over zealous ‘house call’ guy in the keys.

Day 161: Mail, Maintenance and Marshmallows.

Ok, we are back in business. Now you can be free to toss toys all over the floor.

Day 161: Mail, Maintenance and Marshmallows.

Meanwhile, Kyle and I loaded the BBQ full for fire wood to satiate our pyromaniac urges. We might even get around to roasting a few marshmallows when it’s safe for people to stand near.

over and out,


scott w eichenlaub · January 19, 2013 at 6:01 pm

i just read my first of your posts you guys are great to be able to take time like that must be wonderful im hope full that in the next few years to try that life and see some of the country. keep up the posts

Brian H. · January 20, 2013 at 10:42 am

Hey Dan,

There is a reason as to why that wire melted in your box. You may have just put a band-aid on it. Check the fuse amps and make sure that they all match the right amp size. We see this when an oversize fuse is put in and the gauge of wire cannot handle that many amps. They melt, and start fires!

Take a closer look, totally worth it!

Frank · January 21, 2013 at 3:57 am

I glad you knew which wire to screw to which terminal.

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