Jennifer and Joe Remling from Atlanta decided in the summer of 2007 to quit their jobs and hit the road in an Airstream. They traveled around the country interviewing people who have also fired their bosses and went out on their own. The end result of their journey is a book aptly named ‘Carve Your Own Road‘.

If you didn’t think it was possible to just get up and leave your mundane and boring life, it’s time for you to get this book. In this recession when many of you are losing your jobs and looking for new beginnings, there is no better time to lighten your load and hit the road. It’s like hitting Control-Alt-Delete on your life.

Check out an interview of the Remlings on the Wall Street Journal Blog or read Jennifer Remling’s blog at

over and out,

Categories: products

1 Comment

Rich C · May 11, 2009 at 11:53 am

Just wanted to say hello. Saw your comment on my blog today regarding the hummingbird. Thanks for stopping by.

Very cool book! Haven’t read it yet, but I’ll be out looking for it now. More Airstreamers….always great to make new Airstream friends. For my story an illness pushed me out into the world, trailer in tow, and I looked for my new home. And yes, I did end up carving my own new way to live. Different than the prior life, and unexpected too. Sometimes life just has to nudge you to get a response, and to get you to live a dream.

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