For those of you who have been following our cross country Airstream adventures over these past few years, I’m sure you have noticed a theme with the babies. Yes, they are cute, obviously, haha… but they also are always in the Ergobaby carrier when we are out and about. I could not imagine doing what we are doing, or even having more than one more kid, without the help of the Ergobaby. During our first cross country trip in 2010, we purposely planned our trip to avoid any super cold weather. I didn’t have to worry about keeping myself or the baby warm for the large majority of the time.
But this current adventure we are on is a bit different. We are chasing autumn around the country and are quickly approaching winter. For a born and raised southern California girl, this cold weather came as a little bit of a shock. I am not use to dressing for this type of cold weather, especially with a baby in tow. So I have been wearing an over-sized men’s puffy jacket that zips up just enough to cover the baby’s feet. And if it is really cold, I layer a blanket over the top of the carrier too. Yes, I look dorky but it was the only thing that I thought worked for my situation.